In my last post I mentioned that I have a couple of big wedding-related worries. The first one has to do with money.
I would say that this is a fairly common worry for any bride who’s neither wealthy nor from a wealthy family. However, it hadn’t really been a concern for me until a week or so ago, when Shawn and I sat down and looked over our wedding finances.

I should mention that Shawn and I are covering most of the wedding costs ourselves. My parents are covering certain areas such as my dress and Shawn’s side is covering part of the liquor cost but we’re covering everything else.
We had started off on the right path, with a good overall budget and what I thought were reasonable area-specific budgets. While we did go over in some areas, it certainly wasn’t because we were being frivolous. Shawn still gets on my case about our photographer being $300 over budget but finding a good Toronto photographer who will shot at least six hours for $1500 is damn hard.
It turns out that I under-budgeted certain areas and so a few months ago we bumped our $20,000 budget to $25,000. At the time, this seemed like a reasonable, doable number.
Now, after our more recent financial review, I think that number's still doable but it’s going to be tight and there’s no room for anymore wedding-related spending. This is because while our budget went up, our savings didn’t and so now we have a bit of gap that I’m understandingly worried about.
As I’ve said numerous times throughout this blog, I think it’s silly to go into debt for a wedding and while I don’t mind putting stuff on a credit card, that card should always be paid off in full. My goal is that come September, our wedding is paid off in full and the only way for that to happen is to start saving hardcore.
Still, even the idea of having all the needed funds sitting in a bank account doesn’t completely end my worries. I know this will sound odd but I wish we could just pay in full as many wedding-related bills as we could right now. I know that’s also a stupid idea but not having to worry about those outstanding bills would certainly relax me.
So that’s big worry number one. Tomorrow I’ll go over big worry number two.
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