Mar 1, 2010

Clever Bride

You know those ads that show up on the right side of your Facebook profile? Well, generally I just ignore them but today an ad for something called The Clever Bride caught my eye so I decided to click and check it.

What I found was a surprisingly useful site. OK, so it contains a lot of pink. But it also contains a lot of info. Basically, Clever Bride is a wedding vendor directory that allows you to search for your ideal vendors based on price point and other details. For example, you can narrow your vendor search by such criteria as cuisine type, handicapped accessibility or even whether or not the place allows outside caterers.

All your typical wedding categories are covered; so dresses, rings, DJs, photographers, etc.; along with some less traditional though still related ones such as gyms, teeth whitening, group activities and fireworks. You can also easily search the site for a vendor who you’re thinking of hiring.

Clever Bride does allow you to review vendors but unfortunately not a lot of people are using this feature. There are also no boards or commenting or anything like that so Clever Bride doesn’t really have that community feeling that you find on sites like Canadian Bride or Wedding Bells.

However, I will say that in terms of pure functionality, Clever Bride has both of those sites beat. It’s quick, easy-to-use and while it certainly doesn’t have every vendor out, it does have quite a few.

The site also contains some basic planning tools like a guest tracker, a photo gallery that you can get inspiration from and a blog.

There are also sister sites for Los Angeles, Miami, Montreal, New York, Ottawa and Vancouver so if you have friends getting married in any of those cities, let them know about Clever Bride.

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