I love the ocean. I could (and have) spent hours snorkelling amongst coral reefs and one of my favourite activities is scuba diving. A big reason why I love being in the ocean is that it lets me watch and interactive with marine life such as colour fish.
So not surprisingly, the idea of using fish popped into my mind while trying to come up with interesting centrepieces ideas. But that’s wrong…right? I mean, using living animals for decorations? Who could justify that?
Well, it turns out that there are more than a few brides who can justify this practice. They explain that you totally can use fish as centrepieces as long as certain steps are taken (don’t surround the fish with candles for example). And what to do with the fish at the end of the night? Give them away as favours!
Personally, I don’t feel comfortable telling my guests, “Here, take this fish home” and I don’t have enough space at home to keep them once the wedding is over. Can you rent fish? If you could, I guess that would solve that issue.
But there are still plenty of other issues, like noise vibrations and worrying about drunken guests swallowing the fish (something I never thought of until I read this thread). Maybe if your wedding was a small, quiet garden party, you could get away with using fish as centrepieces.
Because they certainly make for stunning centrepieces, much more interesting than flowers. But I don’t think fish centrepieces are right for my wedding.
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