Oct 29, 2009
Have A Fun Wedding: The Atmosphere

Oct 26, 2009
Yes, You Will Fight
You’re two people, with different tastes, priorities and levels of wedding knowledge, and together you’re planning a party like no party you’ve ever planned before. Of course you’re going to fight, it’s only natural.

It wasn’t a particularly bad fight but it did make me think that when it comes to arguing about wedding stuff, there’s a few important points to keep in mind...
#1. You Likely Know More About Weddings Than He Does: So I’m assuming here that you reader are a bride in a heterosexual relationship. If this is the case, you probably know vastly more about weddings than he does and this knowledge gap can lead to many misunderstandings. Your groom may not be aware of many bits of etiquette or tradition (for example, supplying RSVP cards with stamped envelopes) that you view as common sense or general knowledge. If this is the problem, calmly and patiently explain why certain things are done a certain way.
#2. You Likely Care More About The Wedding Than He Does: Again, I’m assuming you’re a straight bride. This point might sting a little but let’s be honest, who’s doing most of the planning? Who’s thinking of all the little details? Who’s sitting here, reading this blog? Yeah, you. And that’s why you’re fighting about spending extra on chair covers.
#3. He Might Have Some Good Points: To be fair, your other half might actually some good ideas and legit concerns. I mean, can you really afford $20 per person extra for that midnight buffet? Make sure to actually listen to what he’s saying, instead of planning your reply back, and don’t interrupt. It’s hard I know, but this approach can help bring a quick and positive resolution to a fight.
#4. And So Might You: When it’s your turn to make your case, speak clearly, calmly and logically. Don’t just open your mouth and let the words flow. While this might feel good at the time, it usually doesn’t lead to any kind of resolution, at least not one you want. Also, whenever possible, spin your answers so that they address his concerns. This shows that you listen to him and understand his point of view.
#5. Keep Wedding Fights About The Wedding: Finally, don’t use a fight about the guest list to go off and yell at him about how you hate his friends. Fight fairly by staying on topic, not getting personal and not using insults. If you’re finding that your fight is just bringing up more drama, declare an end to it and if necessary, leave the room. This doesn’t mean that you can’t discuss that topic again, it just means that you both need a time out first.
As for mine and Shawn’s fight about invites, well, we didn’t resolve too much though we did figure out that the invites I was looking at are completely within our budget and I think Shawn now has a better understanding of why we have a colour scheme.
Oct 22, 2009
Something Else To Pick Up
I recommend trying to also pick up a folder that’s made out of plastic. This thing is going to be holding some pretty important documents and is also likely going to be spending plenty of time sitting on your kitchen table and counters so it’s worth spending an extra few dollars to get a folder that going to be protected against wayward glasses of wine.
In sales news, you have one week left to save the taxes on bridesmaids’ dress over at Bridal & Beyond. The Mississauga store location is also hosting the Maggie Sottero Fall 200 trunk show where you can save up to $250 on your new Maggie. For more details on both of these sales, head over here.
Oct 20, 2009
Midnight Madness Sale This Saturday
Another big sale is happening this Saturday, this time at Bridal Image in
Saturday October 24 | 4 pm - 12 am
Great savings!
• Gowns starting at $99
• A huge selection of "off the rack" gowns!
• Secret savings to be unveiled
Come early!
• Limited number of dressing rooms
• Five gowns per bride
Bridal Image
Oct 18, 2009
Getting Organized – Physical Tools
When planning your wedding, you’re going to likely have two sets of tools: Online ones and physical ones. Today, let’s look at the essential physical tools.

- A planner or address book: There are dozens of wedding planners out there, some packed with advice, others focused more on “capturing memories” while others are just overpriced address books.
Before buying anything, think about how you’ll use this book.
What you really want in a planner is place to write down all the contact info for your vendors. Sure, you’ll have this online, likely in your inbox, but it’s also good to have all of that info in one place that you can easily grab and search through, regardless of whether or not you have access to a computer and the internet.
Again, be aware of getting something too big. For many brides, a bag-sized address book will do.
Oct 16, 2009
Been Away...
In the meantime, check out this blog that looks at the groom's view of things.
Oct 4, 2009
A List Of Possible Photographers

So far I’ve received some amazing photographer recommendations and I figured that I should share them with you:
Rannie – my friend Bev recommended this guy. He’s not a full-time wedding photographer but then we’re not really interested in someone who just does weddings.
Mondo – another Bev recommendation and another not-just-weddings photographer. I love some of these shots.
Jill Promoli – my old classmate Heather told me to check out this woman’s work and I’m glad I did. Like Mondo, she does some really eye-catching shots.
Wandering Eye –
In Bloom – Another recommendation from
If you have any more photographer suggests, please feel free to leave a comment of email me at wedtoblog@gmail.com.